How to find the sum of Even numbers easily?

Math is always fun if you understand it. So, Today’s tutorial focusing on how to add series of Even numbers easily.

Let us take a series of EVEN Numbers from 1 to 100

What do you think?. Going to take a calculator and add the even numbers one by one?, Not at all!!

All you have do is just find the number of EVEN numbers from 1 to 100, it’s pretty simple anybody can say it’s 50!

50 (1st value)

Now, Just add plus one to the 1st value

50 + 1 = 51  (2nd value)

then, mulitiply 1st value and 2nd value

50 x 51 = 2550 (Answer)

So, the sum of  EVEN Numbers is 2550, pretty simple right?


But, I think still you have doubt in this. No worries, now take a small series 1 to 20

So, how many EVEN numbers are there? It is 10 right?

10 (1st value)

10 + 1 = 11 (2nd value)

10 x 11 = 110 (Answer)

Basically, 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 12 + 14 + 16 + 18 + 20 = 110


Hope, you learned something fun and useful trick today. Now show off your skill to your friends and amaze them!


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